Josh Landis

Movement Coach

I have a strong passion for helping people discover their full potential to live healthier and happier lives, and I believe that movement plays a very vital role in that endeavor. I believe that disciplined practice and exploration of movement not only aides in physical transformation, but more importantly, it aides in the process of self discovery and personal growth. It can help us be honest with ourselves and realize what really matters to us in life. It can push us to our physical and mental limits, and force us to face our fears and weaknesses. It allows us to build the resiliency and strength to go out into the world and enjoy it to the fullest extent. My training is based on the following core principles: Integrity – Purposeful pursuit of discovering, embracing, and loving your true self. Progression – Constantly pushing to grow and improve physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually. Be your best self. Fun – Never stop having fun. Don’t just exist. Live. Explore. Play. Be Happy. Education – My goal is to provide accurate, science-based, effective, and practical information in order to empower clients. My system of training is constantly evolving as I continue to gain new insights. However, I try to never deviate too far from tried and true methodologies. Simple and effective is the goal. By reflecting on what strength training has given me personally in my life, I discovered my passion: to help others in their pursuit of a good life, using my expertise on human movement as my vehicle for doing so. With a good depth and breadth of knowledge and experience, I want to be an invaluable part of your health and wellness team. Join me on my quest to improve the health and fitness industry, and to optimize our movement!