Joseph Drolshagen

Health Coach

Growing up in a blue collar family of seven outside Detroit, Michigan, life was confusing and fearful, never certain if I was “doing it right” and seeing my parents struggle financially my entire youth. As upsetting as it was, even at a young age and I knew, deep inside, that there had to be a better way to live. I remember at nine years old thinking, “something isn’t right here”. I carried those same paradigms and patterns into my adulthood. I struggled financially, regardless of my income, in relationships, with my body image, self-esteem and even though I started making the work of Winning Mindset my study at 22 years old, I couldn’t seem to find the tools to get out from underneath my situation and circumstances. I turned to food, alcohol, gambling and other unhealthy means as coping mechanisms. This only led to even more demoralizing painful living. Once I became fed up enough, opportunities started showing up that have led to me living as I do today. When I say, “I LOVE MY LIFE!” I mean it. And I want you to love your life too. That’s what I know is possible for you! With multiple certifications as Master Coach, and over 20 years in Personal & Professional Development Coaching, along with 20+ years leading financially troubled companies back into powerful and profitable organizations, TAPPING INTO THE GENIUS MINDSET IS MY SPECIALTY! Today, I spend my life inspiring, motivating and leading people in creating dynamic versions of themselves, while empowering them in bringing their passions to life, in the shortest period of time possible! Doing so is my purpose and my passion! I am tenacious towards results!