Joey Raines

Chronic Pain Specialist

Joey Raines, owner and director of Masters and Raines Advanced Healing Therapy Center, is a Master Healer whose work can only be described as extraordinary. Joey has trained extensively in the United States and abroad and is expert in the most current holistic manual and energy therapy techniques. Yet, he is eternally grateful to the masters who preceded and inspired him. The desire to help others revealed to Joey Raines special gifts. His heart, mind and hands became the tools in a 17-year career in the healing arts. Joey says, “It’s all about energy and conscious awareness.” Masters and Raines Advanced Healing Therapy Center, established in the year 2000, offers the most advanced manual and energy therapy techniques available. Joey’s work reflects centuries of knowledge captured in a modern day healer. Centered conscious awareness is his work’s foundation. “Each patient comes to me with their own story,” Joey explained. “Although a person may present with a physical problem, the underlying cause may be emotional. Holistic manual and energy therapies eliminate physical dysfunction as well as the underlying emotional component,” Joey said