Jessica Ludwig

Health Coach

Hey there! I’m Jess! To say that I am obsessed with all things health is an understatement and probably cliche. Up until recently, I never realized how deep my passion was and where it would lead me. That’s life though, right? Full of surprises. Who would have thought that my daily green juice, starting in my twenties would lead me many years later to become a coach. Haha! Okay, there were definitely some other things that led to it too. Looking back, I can say that my journey started right out of high school when I began experiencing weight fluctuation and anxiety. You know, that one thing that people used to feel embarrassed to talk about? My doctor immediately put me on an antidepressant and that was the end of the conversation. After trial and error, I started to realize that this can’t be good for my body long term so I set out to learn more about what I was experiencing and how I could correct it myself. Not long after, another doctor said I had slightly elevated cholesterol levels in my mid-twenties and wanted to put me on medication because it was most likely hereditary. Um, excuse me? Are you going to talk to me about diet and lifestyle changes first or just because some family members have issues, I’m doomed? Then of course with adulthood comes chronic stress which wreaks havoc and everyone seems to just allow it to become the norm of everyday life. Fast forward to present day, after years of research, slowly changing my lifestyle, mindset and habits on my own, I started to realize that my anxiety and depression was correcting itself, I was losing weight and I felt better than ever. Next thing you know, I was obsessively researching more on health and our food industry. I realized that helping people to understand their bodies and to educate on the areas where we have been misguided and deceived by these food and drug industries for years was becoming an obsession, which recently turned into a passionate career. We are living in a time now where we are taking back our health. Researchers are finally speaking up and admitting that a lot of what we have been told to do in the past wasn’t correct. That the way of life and how we were told to eat isn’t working. It’s okay to speak up for yourself, to learn more about your body. It’s time to work on un-learning those things we have been wired to believe. We should never walk this journey alone and feel like there’s isn’t an answer. There is so much to learn and we deserve to live a healthy life. I am an open book and want my clients to feel 100% comfortable talking to me