Jessica Burke

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach

I am a health food enthusiast! I believe that the food we eat has the power to either heal us or kill us, depending on what we are eating. In today’s fast-paced world, we have little time to think about what we’re eating. We just want something quick and filling so we can move on with work or the next item on the to-do list. This means that we’re picking the kids up from school or soccer practice and conveniently stopping by the McDonald’s drive thru on the way home. We do this so that when we get home we can actually spend a little time with our family before we have to go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again. Does this hit a nerve? That’s where I come in. I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I have knowledge in many dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. The most important thing that I have learned is that everyone is different, which means that one diet can work for one person and may not work for another. This is called Bio-Individuality. I assess all of my clients and then come up with a completely personalized “roadmap” to health that suits their unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. What is a health coach? A health coach is someone who can help people find balance in their life. It’s not about just changing eating habits, its about changing lifestyle. Typically over a 6-month timeframe, I can help you with issues such as weight management, work/life balance, stress management, incorporating exercise into routine, cooking techniques and recipes, and finding overall balance in your life. Some additional services include health food store tours and pantry cleanout. Interested? Schedule a FREE initial consultation with me today!