Jerry Casados, NTP

Nutrition Therapy Practitioner (NTP)

I adopted a plant-based diet and lifestyle in 2007 because of my own health issues with heart disease. Like millions of other Americans, I found myself forced to take medications for high cholesterol and blood pressure. I decided to look for a dietary/lifestyle solution instead of the traditional approach with medications and medical procedures. 2002 — Diagnosed with Heart Disease, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure Medications: Statin drug for cholesterol and three different blood pressure medications. I was asymptomatic. I thought I was healthy, very physically active, and not eating a lot of meat, mostly fish and chicken. February 2007 — Decided on a lifestyle approach to health EBT Heart Scans — showed progression of heart disease from 2002–2007. Doctor recommended a Nuclear Stress Test in 2007 which showed calcification in left coronary artery. The doctors recommended an angiogram, which I declined. (Doctors were not too happy with my decision.) Instead, I decided to follow a book by Dr. John McDougall, M.D. — The McDougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health June 2007 — Attended Dr. McDougall’s 10-day Live-In Program At the program, I received medical advice and nutrition education for heart disease. I was off medications and lost 4 pounds, with normal cholesterol and blood pressure. Other participants in 10-day program had similar results: Average weight loss was 3.1 pounds while eating unrestricted amounts of food Average cholesterol reduction was 22 mg/dL. An average decrease of 18/11 mmHg in blood pressure in patients with hypertension (140/90 or greater). Nearly 90% of patients were able to get off blood pressure and diabetic medications. The results in 10 days were unbelievable! Truly life changing! Today — Regained my health Continuing to reverse my heart disease. 35 pounds lighter Maintaining a consistent weight (my setpoint). Cholesterol below normal & BP normal. Dr. McDougall: My mentor and hero. Enjoying my new career as a nutritionist after 35+ years as an IT professional in software and database development, now I am helping people develop a healthy lifestyle and seeing the remarkable results they achieve in their overall health and well-being. It truly is gratifying to see that people can take control of their health.