Jennifer Emperador

Trauma-Sensitive Practitioner

BODY MIND INTEGRATION TRAUMA SPECIALIST My close family and friends call me Zen Jen or S.O.L (Sister of Love). I also consider myself as an activist, innervist (beautifully coined by Elizabeth Lesser as a person who seeks inner change and healing), and an empowered and resilient queen. In other words I am here to help you RECLAIM YOUR POWER! Despite being successful in the corporate field and appearing happy on the outside, I was feeling completely miserable. As we know, not dealing with unresolved trauma can make you feel stuck and powerless. Eventually I sought help and was diagnosed with C-PTSD. That’s when everything made sense. My chronic health challenges, mental health issues, abusive relationships, and addictions all stemmed from my past. Traditional talk therapy alone was limiting and I found that an integrated holistic approach of the Body and Mind helped me claim my life back. As a survivor, warrior, and sister, I knew that my purpose was to help others come to the same place of peace and self-love. Trained in Integral Breath Therapy, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Yoga Therapy, Yoga Advanced Nidra & Yoga Teacher Training, Emotional Freedom Technique, Cranial and Polarity Therapy, Mindfulness, Reiki and various energy modalities I have been able to provide a trauma-sensitive, heart-centered and intuitive approach to healing trauma.