Jen Leonard

Licensed Acupuncturist

I love it when I see my clients becoming more confident! Doing yoga, for example, and gaining confidence in their bodies. Developing their own wellness toolbox. Advocating for themselves. We can achieve so much more wellness with extraordinary self-care! My work is ultimately to help them become aware of things they can do for themselves; to help select the right diet, exercise and mindfulness program to form their foundation for wellness. While working as an emergency room technician in Philadelphia, I realized there was a fundamental problem with how we were treating our patients. People would come in, get patched up, medicated, and be quickly sent home—only to come back again a few weeks or months later. We were treating their symptoms, but not the root causes of their health problems, so the treatments never stuck. I chose to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) because TCM practitioners are trained to discover and heal the underlying causes of disease. I obtained a master’s in TCM from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, California, which included an internship in Chengdu, China. I have been practicing acupuncture and TCM for a decade in a variety of environments, including creating an integrative medicine and acupuncture program at Good Samaritan Hospital in Denver, working at acupuncture clinics, and establishing my own private practice. In addition to one-on-one personal wellness consulting, I also offer both business consulting and wellness support for Health Professionals. Too many of us care for our clients at our own expense. I love helping my peers succeed at both business and self-care.