Jeff Magno


I have always loved helping others, but strangely enough it was my study of the martial arts that led me to the healing arts. During my study of ju-jitsu we were taught to use acupressure on each other to prevent injury and improve overall health. The idea of a holistic therapy that could improve health with touch was amazing to me, and prompted me to leave my job as a draftsman and become a massage therapist. Over the next decade I helped people manage musculoskeletal pain through massage therapy and acupressure. It was during this time that I began studying a martial art based on internal focus and the flow of energy called BaGuaZhang.  This led me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and I began to see an interlacing web of communication throughout the world, and to recognize our place in it.

In 2014, I graduated Magna cumme laude from the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine program at the American Institute of Alternative Medicine and became a licensed acupuncturist. Continuing my education, I studied with Dr. Richard Tan, who showed me the beauty of balance style acupuncture based on the Ba-Gua, the ancient organization of energies, just like the art of BaGuaZhang that brought me down this path. How wonderful and beautiful the connections in the tapestry of life can be.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking, being out in nature in any way I can, Latin and ballroom dancing, playing music, meditation, and of course BaGuaZhang.

After spending the last few years in private practice in Lancaster, Solon, and Columbus, I am now honored to practice this ancient art of healing and communication with the awesome team and community at Urban Acupuncture.