James Kawainui

Hawaiian Healer

As far back as my early 20’s, I had an unconscious desire to help people through healing. For reasons I didn’t understand at the time, I was able to look at someone and know where their pain was and how to help it go away. One evening 15 years ago, I was literally “tapped in the back of my head” and a voice said, loud and clear, “It’s time to go home!” That was the moment that changed my life forever. I had been living on the “mainland” for over 20 years. I was married with two grown children. I was an executive in a multi-million dollar corporation where I’d been working for over 17 years. I had what many people would consider a successful and good life. Nevertheless, I walked into my boss’ office the very next day and quit my job. I sold everything and moved back to Hawaii. I lived in a shack on the beach for three years. I went to sleep with sound of the waves and the song of the whales. I emptied myself. Eventually, my wife and I divorced. Everything I thought I knew crumbled away. That was the beginning of my “new” life. I began to practice deep listening. Listening to my inner knowingness. Listening that told me when to go over and talk to someone. When to sit and be quiet. When to move. By listening, I surrendered to the call to leave Hawaii and go to New Zealand. It was there I found my teacher and the healing practices of the Maori elders. Through these teachings and the deepening of my listening, I began to hear the voices of my Kupuna (my ancestors). They told me they had been waiting to talk to me for a long time. I surrendered to the process and found that the more I listened, the more they talked to me and the more I learned to trust and follow their guidance. In my work, my Kupuna tell me what a person is feeling and how the energy is running through their bodies. They show me what kind of “story” they are holding on to and the patterns that hold that story in place. They point to the places on someone’s body that are in pain or where the energy is blocked and they show me exactly how to help release it. I feel blessed by the gift of the love and guidance of my Kupuna. In every aspect of my life, they show me how to love everyone and everything. They are the reason I am here. They are the reason I have dedicated my life to helping people.