Irina Warmband

Health Coach

I am a 4x Certified Coach, Master in Health Coaching, Life Coaching, and Transformational Coaching Method (TCM), with an extensive nursing background in the U.S. and abroad. My story speaks directly to each of my clients. In one way or another, anyone can relate. Due to tremendous challenges in my life, for years, my stress level increased gradually, and the immune body-defense dropped considerably. This jeopardized my wellbeing, entirely. Circumstances and improper self-care caused me to become victim of a progressive lung disease resistant to treatment. And with a poor prognosis. It turned out to be my wake-up call. While fighting the illness, as a nurse, I was searching the medical field for ways to heal. At the same time, I was exercising my own abilities and inner strengths to overcome sickness. In the middle of this battle, I was feeling that the process of self-healing needed a new approach – from a sustainable, holistic perspective. With this thinking, I then embraced a new career: Health Coach, specialized in Transformational Coaching Method (TCM). From that point on, all my research, trainings, and personal experiences paid off. In just 3 years, by following the steps included in the wellness program I personally developed, I restored my state of health. I made myself stronger, thriving, and able to successfully conquer the surroundings with ease and confidence.