Heidi L Royter

Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner

Heidi is a Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner and has spent over 25 years in corporate America overseeing business operations and employee growth. She believes in acknowledging and encouraging individuals to see their value and the impact they make each day by showing up for themselves and challenging them to grow and try new things. Outside of corporate America, she works privately with individuals and groups to love themselves unconditionally and feel whole and free from the past and anything discovered to be holding them back to show up as their true authentic self. Heidi herself has walked this journey, having become very sick over a decade ago and coming to the realization it was time to make a change and take care of herself first. The plan was to cleanse herself of self-abuse and silent suffering and define herself as a whole and healthy women. Little did she know that she was embarking on more than a 90-day journey but a new life adventure to be free. Heidi empowers and encourages individuals to make changes in their lives to meet their personal and professional goals and discover their purpose. To explore what brings them joy and find unconditional love and acceptance of self. She loves supporting individuals, and it brings her so much joy to see women freeing themselves from their self sabotaging behaviors and stepping into their power, and seeing themselves whole. Heidi’s approach is nurturing, spirited, and direct. She uses breathwork, body scanning, visualization, hypnotherapy, holistic nutrition, and gratitude and appreciation practices with affirmations. These approaches combined instill commitment to oneself and supported an individual to build a healthy relationship with themselves. Heidi is a proud mother of 4, a MiMi to her granddaughter and grandson, and has been with her hubby for over 25 years.