Guillaume Gauthereau

Health Coach

Guillaume will also spend valuable time assisting others personally searching for peace, harmony and balance through meditation, life & spiritual coaching and energy-focused healing. Guillaume has been featured on FOX News, CNN, CBS, CNBC, BFM, Huffington Post, The Independent, Forbes and Upstart (formerly Portfolio). He was named Foreign Trade Advisor by the French government and was a 2012 entrepreneur-of-the-year finalist, recognized for building a large business in a new (different) country. He has been an invited speaker at elite academic institutions including Harvard Business School, Columbia Business School, INSEAD (Alumni Association) and Parsons School of Design. After a transformative journey, Guillaume now work with individuals through spiritual coaching services and ancient healing techniques. Travelling across Asia he had the rare opportunity to study, pray and meditate with master healers and teachers of all faiths. Beginning in Calcutta at Mother Theresa’s Charity, Guillaume prayed with nuns beside the sick and dying, leading him to the mystical discovery and acceptance that his new larger role was healing and helping individuals reconnect to source. For Guillaume it was a deep appreciation for a role that has existed in his family lineage for generations. After Calcutta, he continued his adventure in India and learned Sufi Healing Massage under a Sufi Master as well as Reiki under a Hindu Reiki master in the holy city of Dharamsala. He practiced Vipassana meditation at a retreat and traveled to the Bodhgaya, the city known as the holiest for the Buddha. Then in Nepal he met a Tibetan Healing Master who instructed Guillaume on the power of Tibetan Healing Bowls (Tibetan Singing Bowls). He is available for individual meditation class, sound healing therapy, work/life balance coaching, inclusive of the energy healing techniques learned during his travels. He can both heal and educate you to regain focus, priority and purpose in your life and in your work.