Eve Soldinger


I am always interested in transformation as a concept. The dilemma for me has been: How can substantial change be best accomplished in a world always plagued with so many problems? And where is the most important place to focus? I started out being interested in world conflict, studying history and politics. After graduating from college in the late seventies, I shifted my attention by working for a number of service groups that focused on the way that we deliver health care services and health information to people. I went on to study Public Health at Columbia University in the hope of further impacting needed changes in the health care system.

Around that time, I attended a lecture on acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. I felt inspired by its holistic view of medicine, working toward wellness and health, and the potential to heal a person on all levels – the body/mind/spirit. It captured my full attention and my imagination, and I entered acupuncture school in 1983, forever changing my life.

Over the past 30 plus years I have studied many areas of what we refer to as energy medicine. I studied with various healers including the foremost authorities in Chinese Medicine, profound and wise energy healers, meditation teachers of many traditions, and indigenous healers and spiritual leaders in the Americas. The place that all the modalities converge is that the greatest teacher is nature, and our relationship with it, and its natural rhythms and flows. Through the flow of the five elements as in Chinese Medical theory, we see how one element flows and generates movement to the next element ultimately creating and establishing unity. Using all the learning and knowledge has been a journey toward understanding the healing possibilities and ourselves in every moment.

In 2005 I began taking classes in Qigong. I enjoyed feeling the Qi in my body and developing a practice.  But then in 2008 after taking a class with Jerry Alan Johnson, I found myself in an unexpected bend in the road. I learned about Medical Qigong treatments and loved doing this style of energy healing using all the principles of Chinese Medicine. It incorporated of all the spiritual, emotional and energetic aspects of Chinese Medicine. So in my mid-fifties, much to my surprise, I enrolled in a Masters program. Medical Qigong is now my passion and I teach numerous classes weekly and offer Medical Qigong treatments in my practice.

I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to teach in many Acupuncture and Acupressure colleges throughout the country. For over ten years I have been on faculty at the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in Gainesville, Florida, www.acupuncturist.edu . I also have collaborated with Amy Skezas through Roselight (www.roselight.com). As well, I travel throughout the U.S. leading workshops on different aspects of healing and the spiritual arts.