Erin Kumpf


Dr. Erin Kumpf D.A.C.M., L.Ac, FABORM, is a nationally board certified and state licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist in the states of New Jersey and New York. Erin specializes in Women’s menstruation disorders, hormonal imbalance and fertility. She is also a Certified Holden QiGong Teacher.

Erin graduated from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 2013 with a Masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in 2015 and has continued on to study endocrinology and reproductive health. Erin is also a Fellow of ABORM (American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine) certified: an elite group of practitioners that have demonstrated competency and advanced knowledge in the field of both Western and Oriental Reproductive Medicine by passing rigorous advanced certification and examination.

Erin grew up with a fascination for the human body, the mind-body connection and the connection between our environment and our health. Even before graduating from Villanova University with a BA, she knew that a career in medicine was in her future. After suffering from amenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycles that resulted in significant pain and erratic bleeding for over 10 years that no doctor could seem to rectify, Erin was reluctant to proceed with the aggressive treatment plans being recommended to her. After embarking on a holistic endeavor of weekly acupuncture treatments, herbs and diet adjustments, she quickly experienced, first hand, the beauty, elegance and power of this medicine.

Her own experience was so profound and results so impressive that she felt compelled to follow her heart and achieved a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine in order to help as many women as she can who are also frustrated with stubborn health issues. She has since specialized in treating the root causes to menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances and fertility issues.

Erin’s own frustrations have been channeled into her mission:

To bring relief and hope back to as many people as possible that have been told, “there is no hope” or “we’ve tried everything and there is nothing else we can do” or that the only options are harsh medications and surgery. Erin believes in and respects that we all have a healing intelligence that is powerful but that many people have lost touch with this power. She works with each patient to help them reconnect to their own inner healing wisdom and to help people live their lives with less or no pain and rekindle their joy and to live life with meaning.

Erin is an avid musician and spends her free time playing in two local bands with her husband, loving her small farm of animals (just kidding, but she does have two cats and a dog that she adores), and voraciously reading medical journals on health, wellness and latest medical research. She is also on the board of trustees at her local county park where she helps in the park’s beautification project.

Want to meet with Erin to see if she can help you?

All you have to do is click here request your free consultation so you can meet with Erin to discuss your case. In our no-pressure, in-office conversation Erin will listen to your story and review some basics about your medical history.

Once you’ve had a chance to discuss your case and she feels that she can help you with your issues, you’ll have the opportunity to move forward and work with her to address your health challenges.

So, if you’re ready to explore YOUR possibilities for healing, request your free consultation now.

East Asian Medicine And Acupuncture Clinical Experience:
~ Labor and Delivery Unit of the Lutheran Medical Center – Brooklyn, NY
~ Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center at St. Joseph’s Hospital – New York, NY

~ Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) in San Diego, California
~ Masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM) from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York, New York
~ Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Communication from Villanova University

Volunteering And Community Outreach:
~In August of 2012, Erin traveled to Guatemala to the The Barbara Ford Peace Center with a group of Acupuncturists and students to provide local villages with Acupuncture and Herbology treatment. During their week-long stay they were able to successfully treat over 1,200 patients. She will be embarking on her second mission to Guatemala in April of 2017.

~Erin is heavily involved with her community in Jersey City Heights as a member of the Washington Park Association and as a member of the Riverview Community Garden