Elizabeth Kipp

Chronic Pain Specialist

Elizabeth Kipp is a Chronic Pain Management Expert, Addiction Recovery Coach, Ancestral Clearing Practitioner, Yoga Teacher, and best-selling Author who is in long term recovery from chronic pain and concurrent addiction. She specializes in helping people heal from chronic pain and offers workshops and individual sessions around the world to help them release the grip of chronic pain and addiction. Through natural alternatives to pain medication, and how to stop taking harmful pain drugs, Elizabeth Kipp has walked this journey and facilitates freedom from all who suffer from chronic pain. Chronic is ANY pain – physical, emotional, or spiritual – that is felt for 15 days out of 30 for three months or more. Chronic pain can be healed without addictive pain medications. Elizabeth Kipp is the author of “The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power.” She lives in Lawrence, Kansas, where she helps people find and build a stable recovery path. Along with her prolific writing, she practices and teaches Trauma-Informed Yoga and Ancestral Clearing.