Elise D’Amico-Davis

Shamanic Practitioner

I am a certified Spiritual Life Coach and Shamanic Practitioner. I work by bridging the Spirit world and our physical world by working in the space between. In short, I am a medium and my purpose is to invite Spirit to heal. My mission is to help creative people tap into their higher selves. I have been a lifelong student of Spirituality. From a young age I studied metaphysics, religion, and the supernatural. At the age of 2, I used a pot and a wooden spoon as my drum to do the rain dance. As a child I played under my grandparent’s tree to make my medicine in the roots where the water would collect. This is where my Shamanic roots started to emerge. At 28, I gave birth to the first of my two daughters. Like most mothers, it was a pinnacle moment in my life. In an instant, my life took a trajectory I thought I was not prepared for but, unknowingly, was training for my entire life. My daughter, Sydney, was born with Down Syndrome. Over the next few years, my outlook on life, Spirituality and the Creator was forever changed. I started to seek for a belief system that resonated. When I was introduced to Shamanism it felt familiar and comfortable. My journey with Shamanism allowed me to remember who I am and to feel fully at peace with who I AM. I have taken my practice out of the spiritual communities and applied it to the entrepreneurial and creative world. Being an entrepreneur myself, I understand the challenges of staying focused and clear, especially during creative times. As entrepreneur’s we know clarity is the number one component for success. Once you have clarity, you need the space so your genius flows. I help creative people clear the space energetically, so creativity flows through naturally. I guide you on how to stay clear giving you the opportunity to open your higher and greatest self to get insight to your brilliance allowing your soul to speak!