Edward is a licensed massage therapist, certified practitioner of NES Health Bioenergetics, and a certified facilitator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). His passion is in the realm of quantum healing energetics and his mission is to help facilitate the current global awakening to the 5D awareness. He’s excited to share his knowledge and techniques with you. Edward brings Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to those who are interested in taking a journey into their consciousness and learn about their current, past and future life experiences. QHHT opens the window for exploring a deeper sense of who they are and invites the healing that accompanies the knowing of their true self. This technique was developed by Dolores Cannon who practiced regressive hypnotherapy for over 40 years. She wrote 18 books on the experiences and information that was illuminated during her thousands of sessions all over the world. A QHHT session starts with your current life journey up to this point and then explores various lifetimes. The Higher self, or Subconscious as Dolores termed it, is the all-knowing part of you which is timeless. The final part of session is to contact the Subconscious to gain insight into your deepest questions and facilitate healing when it’s appropriate.
Edward Hoppe
Licensed Massage TherapistLoading results based on location and search...
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27.664872315764, -81.515469505085