Dwight Franklin

Doctor of Oriental Medicine

I am Dwight Franklin, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and I am the founder of Franklin Family Wellness Institute. I specialize in Pediatric Traditional Oriental Medicine. When I work with your child, I assess and treat your child as an individual holistically – not as their symptoms or illness. And unlike conventional Western medicine, treatment with Oriental Medicine doesn’t just mask symptoms. It goes to the source. It’s not just temporary symptom suppression. The world today sets kids up for disaster. There’s so much toxicity, it’s no wonder that kids are sick. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Pediatrics is one of the oldest specialties within Oriental medicine and has proven time and time again to offer significant huge benefits to patients who have been unresponsive to other forms of treatment because it facilitates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. I work with children and families to give your child’s body what it needs, get what doesn’t serve it out of the way and healing can take place.