Dr. Susan Sophia James

Counseling & Psychology

Dr. Susan Sophia James, is well known for her work in healing and sound with workshops and study programs since 1997. She is a leader in the field of energy medicine, mysticism, intuition, and consciousness and personal development. Her work touches people at profound levels that they do not forget (check out the testimonials). As a seer, she hears, and perceives energy, and layers of our energy system and auric field. She is a doctor of Integrated Medicine and Behavioral Health from Arizona State University, has a master’s degree in Counseling & Psychology, a bachelor’s degree in Religion and Psychology, and Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapist. She is also a Medicine Lineage Holder for ancient practices. She has worked in behavioral and mental health and internal medicine and is in private practice where she is a bridge for both worlds. Susan has been intuitive since birth. In the 1980’s Susan studied with Shirley Nelson who taught locating missing people through photographs and Tibetan sound blowing healing. Shirley Nelson worked as a psychic for the Tucson Police Department, locating missing people. Susan is considered a deep dream teacher of the dreamtime and has been in dream teaching through her lifetime. In addition, she spent 25 years studying with several native healing and dreaming teachers. She also is a master teacher of healing and sound energy medicine, intuition development, spirituality, states of consciousness, and dream work.