Dr. Sheila Scott


Dr. Sheila L. Scott, MSOM AP, Dipl.Ac (NCCAOM) is a dedicated learner and an enthusiastic teacher of all things related to the body and health. She completed her studies (BS in Health Sciences and MS in Oriental Medicine) in 2010 after passing her state and national licensing boards in 2012. She also has a BA in Elementary Education and a Master of Science in Managerial Leadership completed in 2004. She taught grades 2 and 4 at a local elementary school in Orlando after moving here from her home state of Illinois.

She believes in the integration of different healthcare modalities and chooses the techniques that will enhance each individual person’s healing process and promote their health and vital Qi (vitality/energy.) She listens tenderly and thoroughly to her patients. Her touch is gentle, intuitive, and knowing. She uses Asian medical modalities, proper food choices based on the energetics of food based on the traditions of Chinese Medicine), lifestyle modifications, laser therapies, nutritional supplements and medicinal and Chinese herbs, AIT (acupuncture injection therapy using homeopathic -Heel anti-inflammatory substances and B-12 Vitamin injections), CBD/Hemp products from Cannabidiol Life, Proleve and NuLeaf Naturals, Vibracussor, and nutritional counseling in her practice approach. Referrals are always accepted from Western MD’s and attorneys involved in Personal Injury and are always appreciated with a Letter of Protection (LOP.)

Chinese medicine views the body as an energetic vessel and sees symptoms and disease as resulting from alterations in optimal energy flow. Acupuncture, using fine needles, is one of the pillars of Chinese medicine. Modern research has found it to be effective in addressing musculoskeletal pain, headaches, menstrual disorders, arthritis, bowel disturbances, fatigue, stress, respiratory issues, depression, symptoms of withdrawal, and more. It is well understood to be effective in preventing illness and promoting longevity. If you are new to this practice, you will find yourself intrigued; if you have received treatments before, you already know of its many benefits.

A wide variety of health issues can be treated and reversed by implementing nutrition, detox therapies, lifestyle counseling, and many other natural and safe treatment modalities. Each person is a whole and complex being, and I give special consideration to acknowledging every aspect of existence – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I work with patients usually for 10-12 visits, and guide them through a treatment plan that ultimately reverses illness. Testing is done monthly to monitor the healing process and to determine the next steps necessary to achieve complete wellness. Once a person has returned to health, they are given guidance to maintain wellness and prevent future illness.

With seeing increasing numbers of cases of the COVID-19 virus since the pandemic began in February, 2020, statewide and throughout the United States, our practice has instituted safety requirements such as masking, gloves, and handwashing, thus observing the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other scientific authorities for clinics of our size. We also ask that each and every person who comes into the office fills out a pre-screening questionnaire and a phone interview prior to coming in for their visit.

Dr. Scott is happily married to a chiropractic physician (DC), having both cared for multiple Golden Retrievers over the years, 4 children (Go Gators!) and now 7 beautiful grandchildren and one on the way.