After having an amazing healing experience under chiropractic care, Dr. Michele decided to become a chiropractor.
It was during her studies at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota that she learned about Network Spinal Analysis and began receiving Network care. After graduation from Chiropractic school in 1997, she moved to Bonita Springs, Florida to practice and received post-graduate certification and training in NSA. Dr. Michele opened her own Network Spinal Analysis practice in 1999.
Her reasons for choosing to practice NSA are very personal. Although regular chiropractic is about better healing, Network Spinal Analysis is about growing as an individual. While chiropractic helped with her pain, NSA improved her entire quality of life.
Dr. Michele regularly attends Network healing programs and seminars, and receives training in Somatorespiratory Integration techniques. She incorporates these innovative techniques into her practice locally and is honored to serve the people in her community.
The care offered in Dr. Michele’s office extends beyond a temporary fix of your problem. Through wellness education and exploration of new resources, you will be able to transform your stress, pain and other problems into gifts that will optimize your life. Why wait to experience your authentic self? There is only today, and the time is now to live your life to the fullest.