Dr. Katie Ray


If you’re anything like I was, a combination of curiosity, desperation, and luck may be leading you to learn more about Network Spinal™. The story for me begins in 2005 when I was a poor, struggling, anxious student in a PhD program. On top of it all, I suffered terribly from a long list of physical complaints (neck pain being chief among them).

The people around me at the time mostly seemed like me, under a lot of stress and coping with it in the same ways I was. Still, I felt like there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing. After having had lackluster results from traditional chiropractic care, increasing desperation (and very good luck) lead me to discover the Network Spinal while I was living here in Chicago.

Clearly, the care changed my life– or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now! From the very first adjustment I experienced, I knew something else was possible for my health and my life. The world felt different; but I knew it was actually me who was changing. Whoa!!

Over 10 years later I remain an enthusiastic advocate for (and consumer of) this chiropractic care because I know that through having my spine adjusted on a regular basis, over time, I have been able to live my best life possible– and share it with you! I graduated from Life University College of Chiropractic in 2012 and opened New Day in 2013. I am certified in Network Spinal to the highest level currently available.

New Day is more than just the name of the building where I practice. It’s more than just me, the care I provide, and the support of Amber and the rest of our team. New Day is truly a community made up of the collective energies of some of the most amazing, talented, innovative, and fun people I’ve ever met, all of whom derive life-changing benefits from Network Spinal–our clients! Our educational workshops and community events amplify the benefits of the care through wellness education and through building a community that supports health, betterment, energy, and aliveness.

I could not imagine a better city and neighborhood, Lincoln Square/Ravenswood/Northcenter in Chicago, to be living and working. When I’m not spending time with my clients and team at New Day, I love being out and about in the neighborhood and enjoying all that this city has to offer– including exercise, food, and spending those rare warm days on the beach.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and the practice, and I look forward to learning more about you.

Shine brightly today,

Dr. Katie