Dr. Julie Hutsell-Starling


Dr. Julie loves to help her clients elevate to the next level of their professional, personal and spiritual growth, so that they may experience the abundance, ease, joy and love that this lifetime has to offer.

She believes that you have the power to heal yourself and create the life that you want, and the tools she uses help you see that power within you. In the work that you do together, you will erase the blocks that have kept you from showing up for yourself in the past, so that you can step into the brightest and best version of you now and into the future.

Dr. Julie is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, a Certified Health Coach, and a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. She has been working with patients/clients since 2005 and has treated thousands of patients in private practice. She had a busy practice up until June 2021, when she decided to close it so she could focus exclusively on soul coaching.

Over the years, she has learned so many powerful lessons from her patients and clients, but the most important one was this:

You must be ready for change, in order to receive it and create it for yourself.

If you are ready for something more, a completely different way of living your life that allows you to fully live into your soul, your divinity, and your true nature, you are in the right place. The work you will do together will allow you to create the life you desire by taking control back of your work, your health, your relationships, and your life.