Dr. John Koloski


I am truly blessed.  As a licensed physician, doctor and chiropractor, I’ve been humbly educated and bestowed the privilege to ease suffering and improve the quality of life, for over 10,000 patients so far.  No prescription pad needed.  Laughing as much as possible, always.  One of my many mantras is: “you can medicate a physical problem; but it still requires a physical solution to actually fix it.”

I doctor humanity, from cripples to professional athletes, of all ages, shapes, sizes, races and cultures … people who’ve had complicated spine surgeries and still struggle … people thinking they need to get a surgery … people destroyed in a terrible car accident … good people left hooked on opioids because it hurt so damn bad, for so long … healthy people wanting to make the most of their amazing body … perfectionists seeking peak performance … homeless and the richest. My oldest patient is 96.  My youngest, birthing my own daughters.

I understand most people suffering with chronic spinal pain experience a loss of joy and happiness. Loss is loss; however, healing is innate to life is motion.  Did you know? Back pain is more strongly correlated with depression than any other symptom.  Which is why my main goal for you as your doctor, is simply – optimization. We make it better together.


My expertise in practice and passion for drugless and non-surgical health outcomes led me to create the Spinal Optimization System™.  In 2020, I was appointed to the Medical Advisory Board as Director of Spinal Optimization at the Institute for Human Optimization. Since then, I re-structured the SOS™ to be research, as an ongoing treatment-based, best-outcomes study, for the rest of my career.

What do you think is the toughest bone for a chiropractor to adjust?

Before taking the Hippocratic oath, I was an exercise physiologist with experience in commercial and corporate fitness settings and ongoing NASA research.  Most of my time was spent with 1-1 clients where I shared my geek interest in inertia, rebound, and eccentric exercise training.

In my private life, I’m father to two beautiful daughters and a gifted musician and pianist.

I don’t watch the news, I don’t drink milk, and I think Tom Brady is ‘the man.’

I’m active in my faith, enjoy yoga, books authored by geniuses, cooking, fixing things, and cherish time with family and friends.

How can I help you? I’ll share my answer when we do.


Dr. John F. Koloski