Dr. Daemon Jones

Naturopathic Doctor

My mission is to find practical solutions to help patients ENJOY healthy living. This is the way I live and what I teach others every day! I have always been excited and enthusiastic about – spending time with family and friends, my hopes and dreams, passionate about sport and hobbies, and dedicated to good work – essentially all aspects of LIFE! For me to achieve all these things I need energy, concentration, focus and stamina – I need my health! SCHEDULE A FREE PRIORITY FIRST CALL WITH DR. DAE I developed this philosophy from life experience. After graduating from Northwestern University I joined one of the top 5 consulting firms in the country and I was working all the time. I was eating fast food everyday, driving 1 ½ hours to get to the client site, and I experienced physical and mental exhaustion. I went to see a naturopathic doctor and she taught me it was achievable to a balanced life – balanced on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. It changed the way I viewed life. My transformation lead me to become a naturopathic doctor. After graduating from University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine I came back to Washington Metropolitan area to start my practice. I commit my time and efforts to helping people to live their most vibrant life. I do that through private appointments, speaking engagements, writing articles and books that make healthy living simple and easy to achieve. I have special events focused on cooking demonstration at organizations and private homes to teach people the foundations of health through food and community.