Chief Chiropractor

Dr. Cheryl was born and raised in Orange NJ. After graduating from high school, she moved to Philadelphia to attend pharmacy school. Dr. Cheryl always wanted to help people and was interested in health because of losing 3 of her grandparents before age 16 and her ailing grandmother.

After pharmacy school, she moved to Maryland and practiced pharmacy before she discovered Chiropractic. Once she saw how it changed people’s lives, she rearranged her life to attend Chiropractic school at Life University in Georgia.

In 1998 she moved to Richmond and opened her business, for years working out of her home until 2018 when she moved to the office in the west end.

The technique she uses is Network Chiropractic, also known as Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) or Network Spine.

This technique is very gentle and relaxing, but very effective. It is great for reducing stress and relieving tension.

Her philosophy on Chiropractic is that it is a way of life and an invaluable health tool. As long as you have a spine and are alive, you must support the health of your nervous system which affects every cell in your body.