Dr. Brian T. Lumb


Dr. Brian T. Lumb is committed to his life’s passion and purpose of assisting people to BE who they truly are and bring their unique gifts to the world. He has experience working with thousands of people for over two decades his clients transform their trauma and stress into ease, vitality, and fulfillment.

Brian began his ‘non-ordinary’ education at a young age. He was taught Reiki from Takata who brought Reiki to the U.S., traveled to Japan to receive private cello lessons from Dr. Suzuki, the developer of the Suzuki method, and learned Transcendental Meditation all prior to deciding to become a chiropractor at the age of nine. These early experiences positioned him to be a leader in the field of wellness and conscious living.

Dr. Brian served on the international staff of the Transformational Gate programs with Dr. Donny Epstein, the developer of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) from 2004-2017 and was on the teaching staff of Wise World Seminars training chiropractors and chiropractic students from 2008 to 2017. He has also served on the faculty at Sherman Chiropractic College in SC where he taught NSA for 5 years.

He works with high profile clients including Tony Robbins, providing care for Tony at his live events all over the globe. His most current creation — Genius Generation — assists entrepreneurs, business owners and top performers to access their Genius and live as aligned, authentic, and energized leaders.