Dr. Brian Nathanson


A Word From Dr. Nathanson
I came to chiropractic mid-career, and this decision was driven by my desire to help people, and make a positive difference in their lives. Although I enjoyed a successful career prior to embarking on my journey into chiropractic medicine, like so many of us, I felt something was missing.

The drive for me was to make a difference in people’s lives and, as is often the case, once I committed to that path, Providence (to paraphrase a famous quote) seemed to move too. Since then, I’ve had the good fortune to assist and be mentored by the late (and incredible) osteopath Dr. Viola Frymann in San Diego. These remarkable opportunities not only expanded my technical expertise, but also in many ways changed my thinking and approach to chiropractic and manual medicine. I began to see new ways to apply time-tested techniques in order to solve challenges often thought to be out of the realm of traditional chiropractic expertise, not the least of which was developing new, proprietary approaches designed to effectively restore range of motion in post-mastectomy patients.

New technologies and techniques now enable us to effectively treat a wide range of ailments from injuries to post-surgical recovery. In addition, through the use of Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technologies (EPAT), we can not only treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, but also naturally, non-invasively and – most importantly – effectively remediate certain aesthetic conditions, such as ‘cellulite’. In addition, I am also able to measurably improve sports performance through the use of the myriad tools and approaches now afforded to members of my profession – whether for professional tennis players, golfers, or weekend warriors who just want an edge.

The bottom line is this: if you are in any sort of pain or discomfort, or suspect that some physical ailment is keeping you from feeling and being the best you can be, please contact me for an initial consultation. I am truly here to help and heal, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Dr. Brian Nathanson, DC