Dr. Alain Nicolas-David


My Practice Philosophy

The human body is a fascinating and complicated biomechanical architectural machine that is made of up many working parts that consist of bones, muscles, myofascial system, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic system, tendons, and ligaments. All body parts are connected to the main operating system, the brain, that manages them all in an interactive functional way. When the human body breaks down, it does so in a complicated way as well, that involves the soft tissue structures such as the muscles, myofascial system, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic system and hard tissue structures such as the bones, tendons and ligaments. As a rehabilitation specialist in order to be better able to promote healing to the various parts of the human body that can break down, in addition to having exceptional diagnostic and therapeutic skills, I would also need to have many “tools” in my treatment box to deal with the various types of breakdowns. The more “tools” that I could have in my treatment box, the better I would be able to effectively rehabilitate those human body mechanical breakdowns.

I believe that the human body needs to be treated with a more complete therapeutic remedy that promotes healing to the soft tissue structures, as well as the hard tissue structures. As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I am trained in the art and science of adjusting the spine and joints of the human body which is a great “tool” to have in my treatment box, however that is not enough to make an effective and long-lasting change. The human body’s biomechanical breakdown involves more than just joint dysfunctions, it also involves soft tissue dysfunctions, in additions to metabolic dysfunctions, such as dietary intake and emotional dysfunctions such as stress, anxiety and depression. As a rehabilitation specialist I have acquired many “tools” through my education and my experience as an athlete and lifetime fitness enthusiast that I incorporate into my therapeutic remedy. It’s important for me to accurately diagnose and effectively treat all the different types of dysfunctions that the human body can have by having as many “tools” in my treatment box as I can, such as manual soft tissue skills, instrument assisted myofascial release, assisted flexibility techniques, Pilates rehabilitation expertise, cutting edge soft tissue treatment modalities such as Winback Tecar therapy, laser, floating manipulative therapy, blood flow restriction therapy, therapeutic taping, Brain Tap mental rehabilitation system and much more. I pride myself in giving the best and most effective treatments that you will find anywhere in the world, as long as you are willing to participate in your recovery process.

I am not a magician. I cannot magically fix your injuries and aches with my manual therapy skills and my therapeutic “tools”. What I can do is enable the body to heal itself by releasing joint and soft tissue restrictions, decreasing inflammation and reactivating inhibited muscles. Your job is to rehabilitate your body with the appropriate exercises, healthy eating, emotional balance and proper rest. Without your participation in the therapeutic process, long lasting results won’t happen. That is the reason that my style of therapy and treatment is most effective with people who are active and are willing to put in the work to achieve their goals.