Donna Kelly

Health Coach

I have been a registered pharmacist for forty some years. I have worked in many areas of pharmacy including compounding and natural hormone replacement therapy, hemophilia, retail pharmacy and psychiatric pharmacy. Through the years I have continued to study various topics in pharmacy and health that interest me. In one such course about inflammation, the silent killer, I was introduced to concepts about food being the cornerstone of health by a naturopathic physician. She gave some general concepts on how the quality of the food one eats influences the body. In 2012, I was not sure how much longer I would be able to walk. My right hip, which had caused me a low level of discomfort my entire life, started bothering me in a very significant way. My primary care physician recommended taking naproxen or ibuprofen. While this would indeed address the pain, I did not want to be on medication and deal with possible side effects. I was too young for that in my opinion. Chiropractic treatments had stopped helping. Since I felt I was running out of options, I thought I would try putting some improvements into my diet. First, if I was going to eat beef, it would be grass fed beef. This I knew would give my body more omega 3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory. Within one month I was pain free and continue to be pain free to this day! With such astonishing and fast results, I thought I would delve deeper into these nutrition concepts. Second, if I was going to eat an apple or celery I replaced that produce with the organic product. Apples and celery are on the dirty dozen list of the Environmental Working Group ( EWG is an independent research group that publishes results on pesticide load in produce as well as other information to help people maintain their health. In just another month my energy was through the roof. I have continued to put more good nutrition into my diet and my biometrics (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, blood glucose levels) have all improved dramatically. Plus my allergies are gone, seasonal affective disorder (wintertime blues) ceases to be an issue and GERD is gone. I have seen firsthand the body’s ability to heal with appropriate nutrition and lifestyle changes. This is the reason I am getting a certification in Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching. My passion is to give people the ability to create health, possibly even reversing disease, instead of just managing disease. We probably all know what is best for us. It may not be a lack of education. It may be a lack of support as you transition to a healthier you. I offer this support because I want to everyone to have the opportunity to live an optimal life with a healthy body, increased energy, and a happy mood.