Dominick D’Anna

Network Spinal Analysis

Dr. Dominick D’Anna started Simply Well Holistic Chiropractic Care in 1999, and dedicated his practice to a whole-body approach to wellness. Dr. D’Anna practices a gentle non-invasive technique called, Network Care. During his time at Chiropractic school he experienced pain and loss of range of movement in his shoulders. Although he was being treated by the best in the business he saw little results. That’s when a friend recommended a Doctor of Network Care. While Dominick was amazed and even skeptical at the gentleness of the treatment he experienced immediate and lasting results. From that first personal experience he decided to devote his concentration to Network Care.Raised in central Florida Dr. D’Anna attended the University of Central Florida with a major in micro molecular biology. During his education at UCF he transferred to Life University located in Marietta , Georgia where he completed his degree in nutrition. It was at Life University that Dr. D’Anna also achieved his doctorate degree in chiropractic. In 1999 he moved home to Winter Park to open a wellness center devoted to helping you experience a greater quality of life.