Debbie Sieber

Licensed Massage Therapist

Debbie Sieber, LMT is the current FSMTA State Secretary. This is my second term as State Secretary. I was Massage Message Chair for two years, Awards Chair for 3 years. I have served as Heart of Florida Chapter President for 2 terms and Chapter 1st Vice President. I have been a licensed massage therapist for over 11 years. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Education and Human Resources. For the past 3 years as State Secretary, I have learned a great deal about the running of a not-for-profit organization. One of the most important things that make this type of organization run successfully is the relationships between its board members and its business relationships. In this past term I have seen a deterioration of all these relationships. I am extremely dedicated to FSMTA and determined to reverse this downturn. I am an extremely hard working volunteer. I don’t volunteer for fame or fortune but to improve the FSMTA’s image and financial position. I truly love the FSMTA and want to bring it back to being the organization that serves and protects its members as well as all the LMTs in the State of Florida. If I am not elected, it has been an honor to serve my board and members to the best of my abilities.