Dawn Phillips

Health Coach

I became interested in the mind-body connection during my college years, when I struggled with an unhealthy lifestyle. I was able to break bad habits using techniques I learned while teaching a smoking cessation class. I began to realize that specific, conscious actions could break negative feedback loops. I read everything I could and experimented with diet, sleep, behaviors, exercise, and meditation… anything that offered the promise of helping me change my unhealthy lifestyle.

As an adult, I continued reading everything I could about the connection between the body and the mind. I was particularly surprised to find a connection between the diet and symptoms that express themselves in ways that get diagnosed as ADD/ADHD, schizophrenia, addictions, and depression. Toxicity in the body and nutritional deficiencies can affect the physical, emotional, and mental states of a human.

I firmly believe that you cannot recover from a huge setback- physical, emotional, or mental – without paying attention to your diet. Let me say that another way…

A nutrient-dense, properly prepared whole foods diet will greatly help your physical, emotional, and mental health.

In cases of toxicity and nutritional deficiencies, a careful diet can greatly reduce a variety of symptoms. Food and supplements are that powerful.

My interests have lead me to pursue certifications so I can help people sort out their symptoms and derive a customized nutritional approach to health from the clues a body gives when it’s in distress. Allow me to bring you to the first step of your own dawning wellness.