David Rowan


HI, I’M DAVID. I was born in Washington, DC and raised in Alexandria, VA. My parents separated when I was 5, divorced when I was 8. I was molested at daycare at age 8. I was raised Jewish, had a Bar Mitzvah at 13. I was a pothead in high school, among other things. I dropped out of college to pursue a career as a professional poker player. While it was an especially unique lens through which to experience the world, I quit in search of deeper meaning in my work life. I immigrated to Israel, and eventually returned home. I fell in love and suffered a broken heart. I worked with plant medicine and studied in Brazilian spiritual traditions. I quit watching porn. I dove into yoga and began teaching, but I wanted more depth. Overuse injuries led to chronic pain, which seemed to emerge at the same moment I decided to learn alternative therapies—the universe’s way of saying, “to initiate: untangle your own karmic knot, then help others.” My healing is still in process, but I have acquired much wisdom and practice along the way that I now wish to share with you. I share my short bio with you in this manner for two reasons: simplicity, and shared experience. I have found that the former offers refuge in today’s complex world. The latter I hope will reveal overlap between us that will help you to know and trust me.