Acupuncturist, Medical Qigong Practitioner, Zero Balancer, Therapeutic Massage Therapist and Teacher, Dava Michelson practices in Miami Beach, Florida. She is on the faculty of Academy for Five Element Acupuncture and was a clinical supervisor in their student clinic.
Dava received her Masters of Acupuncture degree from Academy of Five Element Acupuncture in Hallandale, Florida in 2001, and her Doctorate in Medical Qigong (specialty in Oncology) from the International College of Medical Qigong, Palm Springs California, the Overseas College of Henan University, China in 2009. She is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and holds a current acupuncture license in the State of Florida.
Prior to becoming an acupuncturist Dava was a licensed Massage Therapist and taught at Educating Hands School of Massage. She received her BFA in painting and printmaking from Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, and has many stories to tell!