Daniel Hirtz

Oneness Healer

Over the last thirty years, Daniel Hirtz has developed a process that resets and tunes your entire being from the physical to the spiritual. It helps us to go back to our natural state that many of us so easily and habitually lose touch with. Through an easy, flowing combination of conscious breathing, movement, rhythm, and sound, we open our being to the flow of vital energy and enhance our well-being beyond the norm of daily life. We “tune” our entire system, starting with the body. Participants experience a natural opening to the miraculous space they are. Mutual togetherness enhances ones tuning in. It allows us to feel our human connection by sharing the common flow of life. Through an experience-based introduction into the nature and form of the human energy systems we gain access to the most fundamental level of our functionality and energetic nature. This inner orientation helps us to harmonize and strengthen the flow of living energy for greater mental clarity, overall well-being and long-term health prevention. Learn how support this flow with simple exercises can be practiced in daily life.