Crystal Meyers


Professional Qualifications:
-Licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine: Since September 2014
-Master’s of Acupuncture in Chinese and Japanese Styles of Acupuncture, New England School of Acupuncture: 2014
-Bachelors of Science in Food and Nutrition, Framingham State University: 2011
-NCCAOM certified: Since 2014
-Clean Needle Technique certified
-CPR, First Aid and AED certified

How I got into practicing Acupuncture:
When I was a senior in high school I became very sick. My hair was falling out, I was unable to stay awake, my body temperature dropped drastically while I slept and even with pints of blood taken out, no one could tell me what was wrong with me. By chance my mother saw an article in a magazine highlighting a woman with similar symptoms as mine who had gotten better through the help of a Naturopathic doctor. I had nothing left to lose so I scheduled a consultation and hair analysis. My results came back and I had 400 times the normal amount of copper in my body. I detoxed with herbs and completely changed my diet and recovered over time. From that point on I decided I that I wanted to help other people who are suffering and have nowhere left to turn. I have always had a passion for helping people, and finding out about holistic medicine and later on acupuncture and the amazing impact it can have on people’s lives gave me an avenue in which to accomplish my goals.

Why a Judgement Free Clinic is Important to Me:
Having been looked down upon for my style of dress, my tattoos and my piercings for a better part of my life, I want to provide a judgment-free space where anyone can come in and not be afraid to be themselves. I want to provide a platform for people to come and increase their quality of life while fostering the growth of both body and spirit as they pursue an individual path of healing.

About Crystal:
Crystal has a strong passion for treating both the body and spirit which is what has drawn her to practice acupuncture and incorporate different treatment modalities into her sessions including essential oils and gemstones.
In her free time she enjoys doing projects around the house and yard with her husband, gardening, listening to podcasts and live music and spending time with her 6 cats and 14 bantum silkie chickens.
She is the oldest of six children, half Cuban and can speak Spanish and understands it well. She has multiple tattoos and piercings and believes in fostering a safe space for all walks of life regardless of their tattoos, piercings, body modifications, appearances, colors, shapes, sizes, genders, sexualities, fetishes, religions and backgrounds. Crystal has always loved working with kids and prior to becoming an acupuncturist she worked as a nanny for many years as well as a supervisor in a pizza shop cooking up delicious pies!