Dr. Colleen O’Neill employs a gentle approach to treatment in both needling techniques and in the relationships she develops with patients. Believing that acupuncture empowers the patient, she helps the patient’s body help itself by correcting and balancing the flows of energy. Colleen specializes in Women’s Health and Pediatrics but maintains a general practice addressing many health concerns.
Colleen is an acupuncture practitioner with over 20 years experience. She has studied Traditional Chinese and Japanese styles including traditional meridian therapy, Kiiko style, non-insertive styles of Hari and Shakuju, and shonishin, a non-insertive pediatric acupuncture therapy. She may also incorporate Zheng Gu Tui Na, a form of Chinese medical massage, into her treatments. Colleen received her Doctorate of Acupuncture degree from Pacific College of Health and Sciences, Master of Acupuncture degree from the New England School of Acupuncture. Upon graduation from NESA she was the recipient of the Tsay Fellowship, a distinguished award for Excellence in Acupuncture. Colleen has continued to study under various masters of acupuncture both in the United States and in Japan. Additionally, she has completed clinical training at Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the People’s Republic of China.
Colleen has served as a chairperson to teams performing accreditation site visits for the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. In this role she worked with various acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) institutions with the goal of enhancing the quality of AOM education. Colleen has served as the AOM Clinic Director and full time Associate Professor at the Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine of New York Chiropractic College, providing coordination and oversight of all aspects of clinical education, while acting as a supervising clinician and teaching classes in Integrative Medical Practices, Clinical Skills, Advanced Clinical Skills, as well as Physics. Prior to that, she was the Student Affairs Coordinator and a Teaching Assistant at the New England School of Acupuncture.
Colleen looks forward to meeting you and sharing the gentle and powerful healing tools of Asian Medicine