Christina Bickley Didyk

Chi Kung Practice

I randomly attended a Chi Kung seminar in Jacksonville Florida in 2006. Completely unaware that my course in life was about to take a dramatic turn in the most amazing direction. Quite frankly I gave up on my belief that the classical descriptions of Chi Kung and Kung Fu benefits like Internal Force, the energy needed to make a small woman as powerful as a large man, really existed in a way I could learn and train here in the West, Even the arts I found in China paled in comparison to what I thought surely must be possible. So paying over 600 dollars for a 3 day seminar in Jacksonville of all places was a sideways step I took on pure intuitive feeling. Thank the cosmos I did! Now my Cosmos Chi Kung practice gives me tremendous energy, a striking realization of mental calm and clarity and the ability to truly listen when my Spirit speaks. I now enjoy a deep sense of internal peace that makes life a truly dazzling and fulfilling stroll through the park, rather than a stress filled race to the finish. I am better at every single thing I do thanks to this amazing art. The only thing more exciting than the tremendous benefits Chi Kung gives me, is that I am able to pass this art on to you. I currently teach entry level and advanced seminars at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Mirror Lake. Please visit my schools website at to register for classes.