I offer a unique system of healing that gets results and allows people to avoid drugs and surgery and live without pain. I combine acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, nutrition and exercise to help heal imbalances and create the conditions for true health. Your body is an instrument –change the instrument and you change the tune you are playing. You can transform discomfort, tiredness and disease, into ease, well-being and happiness. With 18 years experience, my treatments are focused and gentle but can transform the way you move and feel. By reading the body and viewing the person as a whole, I get to the core of imbalances –this is not symptom suppression, this is finding the source of dysfunction and illness. I am fascinated by health and healing and feel blessed to work in a way that helps people change their lives now. I excel at treating the “walking wounded”, that is people who know something is wrong but who do not need to be in a hospital. I treat all kinds of pain and dysfunction from muscular and joint problems (back, neck, shoulder and knee pain) to stress-related problems and functional disorders of the viscera and glands. From the perspective of Oriental medicine, there are no incurable diseases, only incurable people. Specialties: Stress disorders, migraine/ headaches, TMJ/TMJD, anxiety/depression, Carpal Tunnel, Chronic Fatigue, neck and back pain, joint disorders, muscle spasms, central nervous system disorders, fibromyalgia, gynecological issues, hormonal issues, immune disorders, infantile disorders (including colic), Parkinson’s Disease, poor digestion, prostatitis, tinnitus, vertigo, neuralgias, insomnia, sciatica, scoliosis, stroke/paralysis, whiplash.