Carolyn Baum

Acupuncture Physician

Education 1993: PhD in social work, Washington University in St. Louis 1979: MA in health management, Webster University 1965: BS in occupational therapy, University of Kansas Background Dr. Baum served in clinical roles at the University of Kansas Medical Center and Research Medical Center (Health Midwest) in Kansas City until 1976 when she joined the faculty at Washington University School of Medicine as the director of occupational therapy clinical services at the Irene Walter Johnson Institute of Rehabilitation. In 1979, she began working with Dr. Leonard Berg as a part of the Memory and Aging Project. That work, and his guidance, triggered a scholarly career and framed her doctoral work. In 1988, she was appointed director of the Program in Occupational Therapy. Dr. Baum has been involved in two major rehabilitation policy initiatives. She served on the National Institutes of Health committee that wrote the rehabilitation plan for Congress that implemented the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, and she served on the Institute of Medicine committee that wrote the report “Enabling America” for Congress, which subsequently was published as a book. She has served many roles in state and national occupational therapy organizations. She was president of the American Occupational Therapy Association (1981-82, 2003-2007) twice, president of the American Occupational Therapy Certification Board, now NBCOT (1986-1992), on the Research Advisory Panel and she chairs the Research Commission for the American Occupational Therapy Foundation.