Carol Boruch

Health & Wellness Coach

I have always loved fitness in different forms. As a child, our bikes and cross country skis were our modes of transportation to see friends or get down the land driveway to the bus (seriously!) When I was eight years old, I started ballet lessons. I loved the gracefulness and agility that came with dancing. That stayed with me into college, where I discovered that aerobics classes had a bit of the dance element along with a lot more cardio. After college, as a military wife, I was exposed to the gym, and the athletic expectation of the armed forces. I participated in spouse activities like “Air assault” where we maneuvered through obstacle courses and repelled down climbing walls. I learned about strength training, and how powerful it can make you feel. I was hooked! I pursued my group exercise certifications, then volunteered on a couple military base gyms to teach classes and work with soldiers that hadn’t been able to complete their PT tests. It was so rewarding to see the improvement and change in them. It motivated me to go further, so I took the next step with Personal Training. Working one on one or in small groups has allowed me the joy in making differences personally in how people feel, both internally and externally. Watching the confidence grow as fitness improves inspires me daily. Whether it is working out with my kids, taking a walk with friends, or training clients, fitness has become an integral part of me. I look forward to sharing that love as much as I can !