Cari Rosno

Intuitive reader and coach

In 2013, when I passed the finish line of the Boston Marathon, I was a successful CEO of a multi-million dollar company. I was a marathoner. I was a mother. But when the bombs went off, my life changed forever. As I reeled in the aftermath, a reporter tapped me on the shoulder. She wanted to hear my story. I looked into her face and in my mind all I could think was: It’s not my story to tell. So I walked away from my truth. Maybe you’ve done that, too. Denied your experience, your desire, your talent, your truth. Well, guess what? That shit catches up with you. I got sick. Really sick. I went from running miles and a multi-million dollar business to barely able to make it up a flight of stairs. I couldn’t hold a pen to sign checks. My doctors (I had lots of them) diagnosed me with severe PTSD, depression, and multiple chronic illnesses. I stayed sick for years, spiraling deeper and deeper into a feeling of powerlessness. But finally my intuition intervened. I knew I needed a change. And that I would have to make that change for myself.