Hello, I am Aubrey Tempesta, owner of Divine Radiance Healing.
I am a certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, CranioSacral Therapist, and Mashah Ministry Emotional Healing Facilitator. I create an individualized treatment plan for you using a combination of these therapies. I act as a guide, allowing you to access the innate wisdom of your soul. I will help you navigate your truth through holding neutral space, intentionally listening, following energy, and not imposing beliefs or expectations. A pillar to my treatment plan includes treating the physical body along with emotions. Somato-Emotional Release, a part of CranioSacral Therapy, allows latent trauma to surface so that I can assist you to process these emotions that often affect physical symptoms. I only act as a guide here and never force this type of healing. I meet you where you are at to discover and treat your authentic self.
As a woman who has shown up for herself & experienced all of these same therapies to heal through my own journey, I am able to treat each patient from a place of wholeness & neutrality. I want to empower you to understand yourself on a deeper level and learn the process of self acceptance and self love, while providing a safe space for these layers to unfold. In my professional experience, I have seen time and time again that emotional, mental and spiritual pain is the root of physical manifestation of pain and disease, and is often the journey my patients take with me as I am trained in trauma healing through CranioSacral Therapy.
Through my personal journey of trauma healing, I have found myself back at the roots of my ancestors and following a Christian path, which has lead to significant healing in my emotional, mental and spiritual bodies in a very short period of time. I made a commitment to the Jesus through water baptism on 9/6/2020, and this has become the leading authority in my healing services. I welcome the Holy Spirit into my practice to work through me for healing. My focus is to be neutral and grounded so that I can clearly hear the movement of the spirit to help facilitate healing, and to teach each person I work with how to listen and trust the movement of the Holy Spirit.
Many of my patients seek me out for trauma healing, stress, feeling stuck, anxiety, depression, fatigue, lack of focus and/or sensory processing dysfunction, tongue tie release support (babies, children and adults), relationship challenges, sleep disturbances, insomnia, headaches and/or migraines, hormonal imbalance, PMS and menstrual pain, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum support, digestive disorders, autoimmune dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, thyroid imbalance, allergies, concussion and injury recovery, muscle/soft tissue pain, and chronic inflammation/pain,
I am committed to treating each client’s individually by starting with a 90-minute consultation to learn about symptoms, goals and health history. We then come up with an individualized treatment plan using Acupuncture, CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Muscle Testing and/or Mashah Ministry, to help alleviate symptoms and begin your healing journey.
Along with over 12 years of experience working with patients, I am a lifelong learner. I earned my Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine, and am an advanced practitioner of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) with the Upledger Institute. On a regular basis, I receive CST so that I can better understand patients, remain humble in the human experience, and live within the CranioSacral paradigm of neutrality, non-judgment, and grounding. I take the paradigm very serious in my life, and I am constantly evaluating my life personally and professionally to improve my ability to maintain neutrality and to create a safe and loving environment.
I found myself on a path to becoming a practitioner because of my own healing journey. I was raised in a traumatic environment, which led to physical symptoms that I began chasing when I went to college. By the time I was 22 I was fed up with a medical system that was not helping me find a solution, so I began to dig, and 15 years later I am still digging. What I have found in my path is that stuck emotions and trauma are generally the root of a physical manifestation of sickness and disease, and that by addressing the emotional piece we can begin to find true health, vitality, peace, joy and connected relationships.
Hebrews 1:1-3
1 Throughout our history God has spoken to our ancestors by his prophets in many different ways. The revelation he gave them was only a fragment at a time, building one truth upon another. 2 But to us living in these last days, God now speaks to us openly in the language of a Son, the appointed Heir of everything, for through him God created the panorama of all things and all time.
3 The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature—his mirror image! He holds the universe together and expands it by the mighty power of his spoken word. He accomplished for us the complete cleansing of sins, and then took his seat on the highest throne at the right hand of the majestic One.