Ashley Luther


For as long as I can recall, I have always had a thirst for knowledge, a passion for health, and a desire to help others. Those that know me, know that I am always taking a new class or learning something new. They’ve pretty much figured out that before I have completed a course, that I have the next one already lined up. Yes, I am that nerdy girl that loves to learn and I am 100% ok with that. I grew up very active in sports and that passion continued into my adulthood through coaching athletics and my personal fitness journey that continues today. I became increasingly interested in health as I grew up, gravitating toward a more holistic approach. This resulted in me becoming a chiropractor. Chiropractors really understand the importance of addressing the body as a whole and recognizing that our body is affected by our thoughts, exposure to toxins, and trauma. I really became interested in the first two of the three aspects, thoughts and toxins. Over the last ten years, my passion for nutrition has grown tremendously. I have experienced weight gain and frustration, and I have also achieved the body I always wanted. I have experienced hormonal imbalances and food allergies, and I have experienced feeling the healthiest I have ever been. I want to share what I have learned with you so that you can live a healthier, happier, more abundant life. However, as we improve our health, our mind must follow for it to really stick. This definitely has held true for me. The last several years have been a time of massive personal growth for me. I got married, then divorced, I opened a business and closed a business, I moved across the country and left all that I ever knew, I found true love and remarried, I became a stepmother, but most importantly I found me. There may come a time in your own life when you feel like something is missing. This was definitely true for me. The missing piece in my life was my connection to my inner, most authentic truth. I can honestly say that once I started to work on me and reconnect with that source, that my confidence grew, life started to fall into place, and I felt pure joy in all aspects of my life. My journey has been amazing because I have learned from every experience, good and bad. I am constantly evolving to become the best me I can be and I would love for you to have that best version of you as well.