Ann Scarpita

Life Coaching

I have been exploring, learning, and training for a life of helping others since I have been a young child. Being raised on a dairy farm in rural Wisconsin and having 15 siblings, I had to fight to stand out from the crowd and that I did. I was naturally drawn to holistic health as well as what is known as the “metaphysical.” Its what I like to refer to as philosophy of life. I have over 25 years of studying these subjects. I have worked with and studied with some of the most amazing teachers. I have been Reiki attuned through the 3 levels to become Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner. I am trained in Chakra Balancing, Meditation, Energy Healing, Akashic Records, Animal Communication, Tarot, Oracle cards, Tapping, Music Therapy, Feng Shui, and western medicine. I can help you balance your life inside and out. We all come from a very special place and this lifetime is meant to serve a purpose, both for ourselves as well as for us to serve others. We ALL have our hidden talents and passions. WHY are we hiding those from the world? What or who is stopping YOU? What are YOU capable of? You are capable of almost anything you set your mind to. That is the key, mindset, beliefs, passion and determination. Full Disclosure: My beliefs are strong. I welcome new learning experiences. I do NOT talk politics during any sessions or classes nor will I allow conversation regarding such during a class. I believe it invites ego to the party where ego is not invited other than to explore our own ego.