Ann Merli

Reiki Master Teacher

A Little About Me I was born and raised in Central New Jersey, (that’s actually a place). Born in a little town down at the beach in Monmouth County and I’m a Jersey beach girl through and through. I lived in Fort Myers in Southwest Florida from 2015 until 2020 and now reside in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania enjoying the rhythm of mountains, trees and streams.​ I’m connected, remember I told you I was from Jersey, we are all connected in Jersey. I’m really connected though, to Goddess/God, Divine Spirit/Source, Angels, Ascended Masters, Nature, Light Beings, the Cosmic Universe, Crossed Loved Ones and Ancestors, Philosophy, all the Religions of the World, etc. I’m connected to it all through one thing and that’s LOVE. My Mission I’m here on the planet at this time supporting others unconditionally through LOVE, COMPASSION and KINDNESS. And that folks is about all we really need to help heal and transform the wounds of our core heart and help heal the world. How I Work Through my intuitive connection with Divine Spirit I work with each of my clients to create a healing process that is right for them. Each session is unique to the client and what is needed for their healing at the time of the session. There are often times that we invite crossed loved ones and ancestors into the session so that healing on many levels can be addressed. Ancestral Healing of deep family or cultural wounds can be incredibly healing and supportive. I offer many different options and tools for my clients to make this type of healing and support available to everyone. Part of my practice philosophy is to create an environment of trust through unconditional support so that the body, mind and spirit can come into harmony and balance for healing at the sacred heart level. My Credentials Here’s a few of my professional credentials: Licensed Massage Therapist: FL/NJ, Yoga Instructor-RYT500, Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner (Usui & White Light), Ayurveda Yoga Specialist, Meditation Teacher. I’ve trained in CranioSacral Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Eden Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Shamanic Healing, Psychic/Mediumship Development, Sound/Vibrational Healing and various courses and trainings.