Anaiis Salles

Health Coach

Hi! I’m Anaiis Salles, a Source Educator since 1991. My life purpose is to assist people in changing their lives through healing and conscious co-creation. I’m a Transformational Life Coach, Speaker, and Energy Healer. In addition to my private wellness practice, I offer workshops, retreats, events, and classes. Beyond my holistic energy healing practice, I’m founder and creator of Source Solutions a physical product line of water memory based, frequency embedded essences. These amazing solutions mitigate damage to the human energy field, assist with rapid integration of organic DNA upgrades, smooth the transition referred to as ‘purging,’ and rapid integration and relief from ‘ascension’ symptoms. Try our Sourced Solutions Essences and become a member of Sourced.Life. Through my Living Lessons Library and Sourced Solutions online learning platforms, my team of wellness professionals offer a two-year healing certification program. I teach the spiritual science of conscious co-creation through an online course. Sourced Solutions membership site offers monthly webinars such as The Wisdom Body: Our Return to Wholeness and Conscious Conception with Co-Host, Anastacia Townsend. Our tried and true educational themes? Conscious Co-creation, Spiritual Awakening, Sacred Union, and the exclusive Sacred Master Key technique. In addition to gatherings in the United States, our retreats and workshops have been held in Greece, Russia, Germany, England, and Scotland. Upcoming in 2019: Canada and Australia. My Background and Experience: In the 1990s, I introduced new modalities of energy healing that today are considered “standard and mainstream,’ such as dissolving dysfunctional relationship energy cords. I introduced this technique in 1992 at the Whole Life Expo. Today, most energy healer today use some version of this technique which I deposited in our human morphogentic energy field decades ago. In 1993, I founded Heart-Centered Energy Healing, a two year certification program in hands-on energy healing. For the next decade, I facilitated courses and retreats in Europe, Russia, Greece and the United States. Globally, my healing skills have been shared since 1991 when I established an energy healing internship with two Moscow, Russia medical facilities: Sklifosovsky Institute and Moscow Institute of Diagnosis. At Sklifosovsky Institute, I collaborated with Dr. Larissa Gerasmova and her medical staff, accelerating healing for critical burn patients. At Moscow Institute of Diagnosis, I collaborated with Alexei Gregorovich, Psychologist, accelerating healing for children diagnosed with advanced cancers. I have presented information about my healing methods and medical collaborations at several international conferences alongside Dr. Dean Ornish, Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Llama’s personal physician, and other notables at the cutting edge of healing and evolution of human consciousness. Through Living Lessons Library and my Sourced Solutions learning platform, my team and I offer a Wellness Advocates certification, Jedi Workshops, and a two-year energy healing certification program. I facilitate an online Conscious Co-Creation course, a Wisdom Body program, as well as live classes, events, international retreats and workshops. My educational themes? Co-Creation Catalysts, Spiritual Awakening, Sacred Union, and the Sacred Master Key. In addition to gatherings in the United States, my international retreats and workshops have been held in Greece, Russia, Germany, England, and Scotland. Upcoming in 2019: Canada and Australia! My online community is global and dedicated to planetary and personal transformation and spiritual sovereignty. I continue to joyously, gratefully ground and integrate the 1989 Enlightenment experience that put me on my life path. I’m a Mentor with Rise Multiversity.Org and a member of The Wellness Universe. I reside happily in 5D/Earth 2.0 Philadelphia, PA when I’m not a globe-trotting. Co-create consciously and responsibly! Yes. Please. Thank You. More… You can change your life! Schedule a private session and let’s get started assessing your needs and goals.