Amy LaBossiere

Health Coach

Amy LaBossiere is a writer and award-winning mixed media artist in long-term recovery from alcoholism. She has a strong passion for healthy living and creativity. Amy’s career includes decades in communications, fine art, marketing, public relations, acting, and a 10-year stint in hospitality. Amy holds a BFA in Communication Arts from Long Island University at CW Post, a Master of Arts in Conscious Evolution from The Graduate Institute, and a Holistic Health Coaching Certificate from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Amy’s mixed-media artwork appeared in more than 50 group art exhibitions throughout Connecticut and New York, including a solo show, Conscious Evolution: Reflections on a Master’s Program. In 2017, Amy received the Catalyst Award for Transformational Leadership from The 224 EcoSpace in Hartford alongside her husband for their work in the community. In 2018, Amy self-published her memoir, Finding Still Waters: The Art of Conscious Recovery. During the pandemic between writing and Zoom calls, Amy raised six free-range chickens and closed her cherished retreat center forever. Amy works as the manager of Art of Tao LaBossiere and volunteers to co-direct Hartford ArtSpace Gallery. She resides in Hartford with her husband Tao, two senior dogs, and one rescue kitten.